Halloween 2018

A few images I took of the girls on Halloween-weekend – we had to do a trial run to see if we could get their face paint ready in time for the actual Halloween day before school.

Ludwig got to dress up too – but we didn’t take him out for trick or treating and he was mad at us for days.
Have a look at the video at the the very end of this post: that’s what’s going on in Boise’s Harrison Boulevard on October 31st!

This year I thought I’d make a video of the girls out for trick or treating. They had so much fun and the video almost makes it look like we had Harrison Boulevard to ourselves (which wasn’t the case at all, I swear!). The girls collected tons of sweets and like every year I’m in awe how much effort the people put into decorating their front yards and houses.
But see for yourselves:

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