4 girls in a row

About a year ago I started this project with the girls. Every few weeks we are setting up a themed shot, we get dressed, do our hair, sometimes we put special makeup on. There might be food involved, or a certain holiday – and whatever we do, it always includes lots of giggles and smiles. I want them to remember these moments, the fun we had creating something together. Some day I’ll put all of these images into a book for them and hope it will always bring a smile to their faces.

You can find more of our #4girlsinarow images on Instagram at @ulli.and.co and @dasfoto_studio.

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    Ready to work with ME?

    I'm Ulli, a Photographer and Film Maker based in Munich.


    Working with Brands is my big passion. Wether it is Social or Print Media, get in touch if you need updated visuals for you and your Business!

    I am available in Munich area, Ottobrunn, Holzkirchen, southern Bavaria and Austria. Sign up for my Newsletter to hear about travel dates!



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