Boise Newborn Photographer – Baby B

Baby B’s dad was supposed to be on his deployment until a few months after baby was born, but luckily he made it back in time to be there for birth and even pictures. I wish you all the best for your little family, you guys are just adorable!

Also, I’m participating in a blog circle with some photographer friends of mine this month. We’re linking to each other’s posts, so you can check out what they’re up to. At the bottom of my post I’m linking to fabulous Rhode Island photographer Dacia, who is sharing a lifestyle newborn session of a military family.

Don’t forget to follow along in the blog circle – click here to check out Dacia’s blog post that includes a really interesting interview with the parents: RI and Southeastern CT Family and Newborn Photographer.

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  • So gorgeous! That baby is absolutely adorable and I love your minimalistic style and soft colours.ReplyCancel

  • This is such a beautiful newborn session! I love how simple and natural it is.ReplyCancel

  • Oh my word, he is too cute! So happy to hear dad was able to be home for the birth of this little miracle.ReplyCancel

  • These are all so stunning. What a perfect baby and how wonderful that Dad made it back for the birth. Wonderful work.ReplyCancel

  • oh these are so sweet! I love how alert he is and smiling:)ReplyCancel

  • Ulli, these are lovely! And so wonderful that Dad could be here for them, so important! Beautiful family and God bless them, and thankful for their sacrifices for our country.ReplyCancel

Ready to work with ME?

I'm Ulli, a Photographer and Film Maker based in Munich.


Working with Brands is my big passion. Wether it is Social or Print Media, get in touch if you need updated visuals for you and your Business!

I am available in Munich area, Ottobrunn, Holzkirchen, southern Bavaria and Austria. Sign up for my Newsletter to hear about travel dates!



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